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BitComet Build 20071102 Beta

Bitcomet adalah software yang powerfull, bersih dari spyware, cepat dan gampang
cocok digunakan pada user client.program bitcomet ini mendukung download secara
bersamaan, download yang sedang di antrikan, download dari paket torrent itu
sendiri, dan bisa secara cepat me-resume kembali, chating, cache disk, speed
limits,port mapping, proxy, filter ip,dan lain-lain

file file yang sudah dipatch

  • GUI Improved: display "play" button in task list for swf flash file when it

    download finished
  • Core Bug fix: Beta 20071101 may crash when download HTTP task
  • GUI Improved: new hotkey Ctrl+B for HTTP/FTP batch download
  • GUI Improved: remove search bar below favorites list
  • GUI Improved: remove recommend window
  • GUI Improved: if download rate in user list of BT task less than 1K, display

    it as "<1>
  • GUI Bug fix: user name and password info is not imported from captured FTP URL

  • GUI Bug fix: the option of search for more users to speed up download in HTTP

    task properties dialog does not work
  • Core Bug fix: .bc! file is not removed occasionally when download very small

    HTTP files
  • Core Bug fix: unable to download zero byte HTTP file
  • GUI Improved: display "play" button in task list for flv video file when it

    download finished
  • GUI Improved: hot key Ctrl+R in add download group dialog will fill max value

    of wildcard automatically
  • GUI Bug fix: icons in task log display incorrectly in Windows Vista
  • GUI Bug fix: task auto stop function can not work if this task has been

  • GUI Bug fix: Scheduler will not refresh task list after pause all task

Released: November 2, 2007
Publisher: BitComet
Homepage: http://www.bitcomet.com/
License: Freeware
OS Support: Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP


lumayan buat nyari software software dan lagu/video dan dokument :D
anda setuju dengan perkataan saya ini??



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