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How to Fend off an Attacker

1st Remember that every part of your body and everything about yourself has the potential to be used as a weapon. This includes items can be found in your pocket as pens, keys, or small pistols.
2nd Scream. Screaming May scare and the attention of the murderer.
3rd Block or dodge oncoming attack. What use another defense tactic when you knocked out?
4th Close your fists, unless you plan, with an open hand for a particular strike, block, or attack. An open hand is much more to those injured in a fight than a closed fist. You can easily make your fingers disrupted or interrupted by an attacker strikes have open if your hands when they are not needed.
5th Aim for sensitive areas such as abdomen, bar, face and thigh. These areas are easy to take and will likely knock down the enemy for your chance to escape. Remember, a severe blow to a person's face is highly effective, they lose their meaning. A broken nose or a strike, for the eyes severely hinder your opponent is the ability to observe and react. Do not strike a person in the mouth - it can damage your hands.
6th If you are in close proximity to your attacker, jabbing with the elbows and knees can be an effective method of defence. To headbutting.
7th If necessary, use hard item available to browse or scratches jab your attacker's face: a stick, a stone, a pen, a piece of glass, etc. The eyes and throat, are particularly vulnerable areas.
8th Editors winds. If an attacker gets a hold of you and does not have a firearm on the head or a knife to the neck, squirm. Herauswindend and pinching the attacker can help you out of his clutches. If the attacker has a weapon, keep it out.
9th If your attacker down, and they are no longer a threat, assault stop. Kicking the jaw from an unconscious person is not self-defence, it's a lack of self-control.
10th Call the police as soon as your attacker is no longer a threat.

* If you are attacked, it is very likely that you will want to hurt you if you resist or not. However, if you have the choice in the matter, try to avoid a fight if possible. No argument is worth it hurt, or hurt somebody else.
* What you can to get themselves out of immediate danger, but you use your decision whether or not to a violent method of self-defense.
* A martial arts class will contribute to the development of techniques, self-defense and personal discipline.
* If an attacker demands money or other personal possessions, it is often better, as they try to self-defence. Do not worry if he or she tries to steal your purse, wallet, MP3 player, etc. My life is only important if you are attacked.
* If you are stuck up for that money, throw it low and behind the attackers. He / She is worried about more money than you and will turn away to get it. This gives you a chance to run away or get hurt. Running away is better.
* If it is a bullying attack for the purpose of intimidation, not to commit another crime and the fight is unavoidable, remember that responses to violations of the attackers discourage repeat attacks. This also applies if you are injured or not "the winner" of this time.
* Tell your surroundings and be prepared. Get your keys ready before you for your car, so that you are not at risk, since one of the bags / purse for her.
* Avoid walking alone in strange, dark places.
* Trust your instincts.
* Scream loudly, if someone attacks. It can be afraid of the person away.
* Consider using a knife or pepper spray for self-defense, but only if you have an adequate training and are in compliance with the law.
* If it is legal, you might want to use a firearm for self-defense - this is probably a concealed weapon permit.
* Please note that nearly everything, and everything around you can be used as a weapon. If you are alone in the area and where you will probably attack, in your environment, as you walk along. Even something as small as a pen in your purse can be an effective weapon against your attacker.

-- things you`ll need it ---
  • A knack for self-preservation
  • Awareness
  • Discipline



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